Customer Testimonial: Homeowners Find More Fun, Freedom and Family Time With a Reverse Mortgage Loan

Susan and Jim Arnold are a retired couple living in Morro Bay, California. They took out a reverse mortgage loan to have more financial freedom and fun in retirement.

Their reverse mortgage allows them to visit family in Seattle whenever they want to and take vacations they otherwise might not have been able to afford.

Although their children were initially concerned about their reverse mortgage, Susan told them they shouldn’t worry. “In fact, we’re in a better place than you are right now!”

Video Transcription

Susan and Jim Arnold


My name is Susan Arnold, and this is my husband, Jim Arnold, and we live in Morro Bay on the central coast of California. What I love about living on the central coast is the ocean.


The weather, the beauty, the trails for hiking, biking and walking.


Fairway, in my experience, has the best employees. They all were very knowledgeable, very friendly, courteous, and they bent over backwards to answer any questions. They were available. Email–got a reply right away. Phone call–just very accessible and helpful.

The financial freedom of having a reverse mortgage, it is well worth it.

Our son and daughter-in-law, and family, live up near the Seattle area, and it has freed us up to be able to go up there and spend more time with family up there without worry.

And it leaves us the option to just pick up and go and not worry about when we have to be back.

Recently we saw an opportunity for Jim to get to take a trip to the holy land, which was something that he might not otherwise have been able to do. And we’re not worried about either the time or the expense.

We had to have a long conversation with our son and daughter because they were worried. And we’ve had to let them know, no, mom and dad are not going to end up destitute and on your doorstep.

In fact, we’re in a better place than you are right now!

Is a Reverse Mortgage Right for You?

At Fairway, we understand that each of our customers has unique needs, and sometimes a reverse mortgage loan is the best fit — and sometimes it is not. If you’re interested in learning more about reverse mortgages and whether one might be a good fit for your situation (or a loved one’s situation), Fairway can help.

Find Out More About Our Loans, Like How Much You May Qualify For.

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