How a Reverse Mortgage Loan Could Help Protect You and Your Home in Uncertain Times

Can you protect something? Maybe your home? Do you remember in 2008 what had happened before and after the housing market bubble? The market was going up, home values were … Continued

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Three Buckets of Retirement Income

The Sacred Cow of Home Equity Many people feel that paying off their home and having no mortgage with lots of equity is the Holy Grail of retirement. Several people … Continued

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Planning for Your Retirement With a Reverse Mortgage Loan

Planning your retirement can be a lot like preparing for your wedding day. Many thoughts are going through your mind. Do we have enough money to afford this? Is now … Continued

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Reverse Mortgages and Home Equity Vs. Cash in Retirement

Let’s talk about one of the most confusing aspects of a reverse mortgage loan- home equity.  Most people are concerned about the equity in their homes, and too often, they … Continued

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When Should I Wait To Get A Reverse Mortgage Loan?

Many people think that they should wait until they’re older before getting a reverse mortgage loan because, generally, you can get a little more money as you get older. But … Continued

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Emotion Vs Logic and Reverse Mortgages

The interesting thing is that when people make financial decisions, they often make them emotionally even though numbers are very logical. Two plus two always equals four, yet emotion comes … Continued

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Mortgage Help for Seniors - Long Term Care

mortgage help seniors reverse mortgage

We try to anticipate all kinds of things that could happen; car accidents, house fires, illness or disability, etc.  But most people don’t think about or plan for the fact … Continued

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Financial Professional Testimonial: Reverse Mortgage Skeptic Becomes a Major Advocate

Best-selling author and financial services speaker Joe Jordan was once highly skeptical of reverse mortgage loans. But after learning more about them, he now believes that they are a great … Continued

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