Boom Movers - Charcoal Wishes & Creedence Dreams

Imagine those classic '70s backyard barbecues—burgers on the grill, Creedence playing, and catching up with loved ones. You can recreate that freedom and fun with a home-buying program for those 62 and older. Buy your dream home for just over half the price and skip monthly mortgage payments, only covering property taxes and homeowners insurance. Relocating closer to family makes those barbecues even better, and to live a retirement lifestyle that’s all about easy memories, not mortgage payments.

Video Transcription

EVP Tom Evans

There was something so special about those 70's backyard barbecues with your friends and your family, the smell of the burgers and the dogs cooking on a charcoal grill, and the joy of catching up with loved ones while Creedence was playing on the 8-track in the den with the speakers facing out the window and your cousin was playing Jarts. I promise that same spirit of freedom, fun, and family is alive and well today, especially if you're over 62 and you're buying a home to look to entertain your "backyard brood". Just imagine if you could cook up a way into your dream home for a little more than half the purchase price and then chill without ever having to make any monthly mortgage payments. You only pay your property taxes and your homeowners.

So what if you could get that exact home you want exactly where you want it? Trust me, those barbecues are a lot easier when you relocate closer to your friends and to your family. Just picture your grandkids catching fireflies in the evening or swimming in your pool. It's the retirement lifestyle you've earned for yourself. You can make easy, beautiful summer memories instead of horrible summer mortgage payments with a home purchase loan that we designed with you in mind. And it's way easier than getting everybody's burger cooked just right. So you should get fired up and head over to It's a delicious move that could be the right seasoning for your future. And be sure to subscribe to Boom Movers for More Smoking Strategies for buying a home at 62 and better.

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